Eganyi Explorers, a group of enthusiastic youth hailing from Ajaokuta Local Government Area in Kogi State, conceived the idea of exploring local tourist sites three years ago. Their inaugural year involved a hike to the picturesque Iruvusechi mountain, followed by an exploration of the abandoned airstrip at Upanko in the second year. This year, their journey led them to Inida Ogiri, all within Ajaokuta LGA. The primary objective behind this initiative is to foster unity among the youth of Ajaokuta, transcending religious and regional differences within the local community. The invitation is extended to youth from various Local Governments, emphasizing inclusivity. We're excited to recount the remarkable moments that marked this event as a resounding success. Reflecting on the indelible memories created, we express gratitude for the shared laughter, engaging games, captivating dances, the introduction of Ebira delicacies, and the enchanting musical performances that infu...
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