By RMD This is the story of the lion of the North, otherwise known as the Kabba Provincial Secondary School Okene, in Kogi State Of Nigeria. The school that drives students to deed of Valour, the seat of Excellence, where boys from all over the country learn early, in their formative years to survive. Ours is a school, where the dignity of labour, hard work, honesty and diligence are ways of life. For one can easily distinguish, a ''Lion'' (for that is how a product of P.S.S Okene is fondly called) from the rest wherever they are to be found. Their sense of direction and commitment to success make them the envy of lesser schools in the country. Ever before MAMSER, Mass Mobilisation for Self-sufficiency Social Justice and Self-reliance was launched, it is on record that the students were mobilized to build Lawn Tennis Courts and games pitches through direct labour. The students build swimming pool (built in 1956-1958) which makes the school the only school in Nigeria ...
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