The government of Kogi state and even the Federal government shoud carry out DDR programme for these boys. DDR stands for disarmament, demobilization and reintegration.
Though these boys are not full millitary personels, something has to be done to make the use of the gun less attractive to them. The disarmament involves the collectionn of their weapons in exchange for some monetary reward. The amount should be attractive enough for them to be willing to hand their guns over.
Demobilization involves the demillitarization of their minds by councelling. They should be camped somewhere for a period of time, fed well, and councelled to eschew viloence. Reintegration involves getting them to learn some trade and equipped to go and practice the same in order to earn a decent living. I hope someone in power who might be deriving some benefits from the crisis will not trash this idea. This is the standard way that millitants are separated from violence.
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