At a well-attended political summit held under the auspices of Ebira Renaissance Group (ERG) and Ebira Youth Congress (EYC), and well attended by critical political stakeholders of Ebiraland on Saturday,August 22nd , 2015 at the Federal College of Education, Okene, the following resolutions were adopted as a moral template for subsequent political actions:
1. It was reaffirmed that the shared history of deprivation endured by the Ebiras and Okuns in Kogi State provides a natural basis to sustain the ongoing political alliance between the two Senatorial Districts.
2. It was happily acknowledge that all aspirants from both blocs are men of stature with varying political pedigree. However, ONLY ONE will emerge as CANDIDATE. In view of this understanding, good working relationship was STRONGLY CANVASSED.
3. Promise of power rotation in 2019 by People Democratic Party (P.D.P) was considered laughable in view of similar unfulfilled promises made by the same group in the past.
4. While disagreeing with our people in P.D.P over the timing of power rotation, the summit cautioned against acts of political antagonism that characterized our political engagement in the past. The summit canvassed that they should be persuaded to buy into noble cause in the interest of our collective destiny.
5. Distinguished Senator M.S Ohiare and Salihu Ohize were charged to assume the driver’s seat of this bold initiative.
Pastor Joseph Suleiman (Manjoe)
Coordinator, ERG
Baba MP. Razak
EYC, Secretary
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